Sprzęt ratowniczy - Produkty - English version
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English version
English version

AWAS is currently the most important Polish manufacturer of equipment for mass decontamination, decontamination of vehicles and a wide range of mobile equipment for protection and elimination of chemical, biological, and radiation dangers. We manufacture pressurised isolation rooms and isolation stretchers for protection of environment or an injured person from biological and chemical contamination.

We have experts who can develop any protection systems to meet customers’ needs.

AWAS equipment is used by numerous rescue–fire units of the State Fire Fighters and crisis management centres of various levels in airports and other endangered locations.

Current solutions:

Mobile connectors (sanitary locks) for stationary hospitals designated to disinfect people in the case of chemical, biological or radiological contamination.

Mobile quarantine systems in the form of fast-put up tents with under-pressure system, heating and AC.

AWAS mobile pressurised isolation room in under-pressure version is designated for isolation of persons who pose biological danger to the environment while retaining safe environment for persons outside the room. The system makes it possible to quickly transform an existing room into a permanent isolation room that fulfils the highest possible level of protection from contamination danger. In the overpressure version, it can be used for protection from accidental contamination of people with lower immunity to external conditions.

Mobile pressurised stretcher is designated to transport infected or injured people. Depending on the needs, the device can be configured in two ways:

  1. as under-pressure stretcher – designated to transport infected people in the non-contaminated zone without the risk of contaminating it;

  2. as overpressure stretcher – designated to transport patients in the contamination zone without the risk of additional contamination of the person inside. This configurationalso makes it possible to safely transport people with lower immunity to external conditions without the risk of exposing them to the environment.

Inflatable rescue stretcher is designated to safely transport injured people in the mountains or in water. Its construction makes it possible to transport injured persons with broken arms and legs.

We are looking for business partners in Europe and worldwide.
We invite for cooperation.

AWAS - SYSTEMY Sp. z o.o.
Kazimierza Szpotanskiego 10 Str.
04-760 Warsaw, Poland
Telephone:  +48 22 615 51 13
fax:             +48 22 815 29 95
E Mail: info@sprzet-ratowniczy.pl

TECHNOLOGY  that gets danger under control!

pdfQuick offer - Rescue Services 2015  (4,79 MB)
pdfFolder  (1,71 MB)
pdfMobile Pressure Isolator  (1,16 MB)
pdfMedical Pressure Stretcher  (1,08 MB)

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